
List available drops

Double Axe Tomahawk Mace Morning Star
Elemental Rune Mace Short Bow Crossbow Bow
Golden Crossbow Elven Bow Arquebus Short Sword
Kris Rapier Sword of Assassin Katana
Gladius Flat Short Sword Dragon Lance Lapid Lance
Double Poleaxe Halberd Skull Staff Angelic Staff
Small Shield Buckler Horn Shield Kite Shield
Lapid Shield Skull Shield Large Round Shield Pad Helm
Leather Helm Vine Helm Bronze Helm Robust Helmet
Bone Helm Silk Helm Rune Pad Helm Slayer Red Wing Helm
Pad Armor Leather Armor Vine Armor Bronze Armor
Silk Armor Rune Pad Armor Slayer Red Wing Armor Pad Gloves
Leather Gloves Vine Gloves Bronze Gloves Robust Gloves
Bone Gloves Silk Gloves Rune Pads Gloves Slayer Red Wing Gloves
Pad Pants Leather Pants Vine Pants Bronze Pants
Bone Pants Silk Pants Rune Pad Pants Slayer Red Wing Pants
Pad Boots Leather Boots Vine Boots Bronze Boots
Robust Boots Bone Boots Silk Boots Rune Pad Boots
Slayer Red Wing Boots Pendant of Fire Ring of Poison Ring of Ice
Imp Guardian Angel Horn of Uniria Scroll of Poison
Drain Life Parchment Scroll of Flame Scroll of Twister Sleep Parchment
Scroll of Evil Spirit Chain Lightning Parchment Scroll of Hellfire Increase Block Parchment
Scroll of Aqua Beam Damage Reflection Parchment Scroll of Soul Barrier Scroll of Cometfall
Increase Health Parchment Scroll of Teleport Scroll of Lighting Scroll of Power Wave
Scroll of Fire Ball Magic Arrow Act Plasma Ball Act Explosion Parchment
Requiem Parchment Perlution Parchment Obsidian Scroll Orb of Impale
Scroll of Fire Scream Wrath Scroll Scroll of Lord Dignity Scroll of Electric Spark
Scroll of Summon Orb of Twisting Slash Orb of Fire Slash Magic Pin Scroll
Orb of Greater Damage Orb of Greater Fortitude Healing Orb Orb of Summoning
Sword Inertia Bead Bat Flock Bead Ice Break Bead Swordsman's Wrath
Strong Belief Bead Solid Protection Bead Deathfire Orb Death Ice Ball
Small Healing Potion Healing Potion Small Mana Potion Mana Potion
Small Complex Potion Antidote Ale Town Portal Scroll
Ice Monster
Hand Axe Double Axe Tomahawk Mace
Morning Star Flail Elemental Rune Mace Crossbow
Bow Golden Crossbow Elven Bow Arquebus
Kris Rapier Sword of Assassin Katana
Gladius Flat Short Sword Dragon Lance Lapid Lance
Prickle Lance Double Poleaxe Halberd Skull Staff
Angelic Staff Buckler Horn Shield Kite Shield
Lapid Shield Skull Shield Large Round Shield Elven Shield
Pad Helm Leather Helm Vine Helm Bronze Helm
Robust Helmet Bone Helm Silk Helm Rune Pad Helm
Slayer Red Wing Helm Pad Armor Leather Armor Vine Armor
Bronze Armor Bone Armor Silk Armor Rune Pad Armor
Slayer Red Wing Armor Pad Pants Leather Pants Vine Pants
Bronze Pants Bone Pants Silk Pants Rune Pad Pants
Slayer Red Wing Pants Pad Boots Leather Boots Vine Boots
Bronze Boots Robust Boots Bone Boots Silk Boots
Scale Boots Rune Pad Boots Slayer Red Wing Boots Leather Gloves
Vine Gloves Bronze Gloves Robust Gloves Bone Gloves
Silk Gloves Scale Gloves Rune Pads Gloves Slayer Red Wing Gloves
Pendant of Fire Ring of Poison Ring of Ice Pendant of Lighting
Imp Guardian Angel Horn of Uniria Scroll of Poison
Drain Life Parchment Scroll of Flame Scroll of Twister Sleep Parchment
Scroll of Evil Spirit Chain Lightning Parchment Scroll of Hellfire Increase Block Parchment
Scroll of Aqua Beam Damage Reflection Parchment Scroll of Soul Barrier Scroll of Cometfall
Increase Health Parchment Scroll of Teleport Scroll of Lighting Scroll of Meteorite
Scroll of Power Wave Scroll of Fire Ball Magic Arrow Act Plasma Ball Act
Explosion Parchment Requiem Parchment Perlution Parchment Obsidian Scroll
Orb of Impale Scroll of Fire Scream Wrath Scroll Scroll of Lord Dignity
Scroll of Electric Spark Scroll of Summon Orb of Twisting Slash Orb of Fire Slash
Magic Pin Scroll Orb of Greater Damage Orb of Greater Fortitude Healing Orb
Orb of Summoning Sword Inertia Bead Bat Flock Bead Ice Break Bead
Swordsman's Wrath Strong Belief Bead Solid Protection Bead Deathfire Orb
Death Ice Ball Small Healing Potion Healing Potion Small Mana Potion
Mana Potion Small Complex Potion Antidote Ale
Town Portal Scroll
Double Axe Tomahawk Larkan Axe Mace
Morning Star Flail Elemental Rune Mace Bow
Golden Crossbow Elven Bow Arquebus Kris
Rapier Sword of Assassin Katana Gladius
Falchion Flat Short Sword Silver Blade Dragon Lance
Lapid Lance Prickle Lance Double Poleaxe Halberd
Spear Skull Staff Angelic Staff Elemental Magic Book
Myotis Orb Buckler Horn Shield Kite Shield
Lapid Shield Skull Shield Large Round Shield Elven Shield
Pad Armor Leather Armor Vine Armor Bronze Armor
Bone Armor Silk Armor Rune Pad Armor Slayer Red Wing Armor
Glimmer Armor Mage Sphinx Armor Illusion Knight Scale Armor Pad Pants
Leather Pants Vine Pants Bronze Pants Robust Pants
Bone Pants Silk Pants Rune Pad Pants Slayer Red Wing Pants
Glimmer Pants Mage Sphinx Pants Illusion Knight Scale Pants Leather Helm
Vine Helm Bronze Helm Robust Helmet Bone Helm
Silk Helm Rune Pad Helm Slayer Red Wing Helm Glimmer Helmet
Mage Sphinx Mask Illusion Knight Scale Helmet Bronze Gloves Robust Gloves
Bone Gloves Silk Gloves Scale Gloves Violent Wind Gloves
Rune Pads Gloves Slayer Red Wing Gloves Glimmer Gloves Mage Sphinx Gloves
Illusion Knight Scale Gloves Bronze Boots Robust Boots Bone Boots
Silk Boots Scale Boots Rune Pad Boots Slayer Red Wing Boots
Glimmer Boots Mage Sphinx Boots Illusion Knight Scale Boots Pendant of Fire
Ring of Poison Ring of Ice Pendant of Lighting Imp
Guardian Angel Horn of Uniria Scroll of Poison Drain Life Parchment
Scroll of Flame Scroll of Twister Sleep Parchment Scroll of Evil Spirit
Chain Lightning Parchment Scroll of Hellfire Increase Block Parchment Scroll of Aqua Beam
Damage Reflection Parchment Scroll of Soul Barrier Scroll of Cometfall Increase Health Parchment
Scroll of Teleport Scroll of Lighting Scroll of Meteorite Scroll of Power Wave
Scroll of Fire Ball Magic Arrow Act Plasma Ball Act Obsidian Scroll
Orb of Impale Scroll of Fire Scream Wrath Scroll Scroll of Lord Dignity
Scroll of Electric Spark Scroll of Summon Orb of Twisting Slash Orb of Fire Slash
Magic Pin Scroll Orb of Greater Damage Orb of Greater Fortitude Healing Orb
Orb of Summoning Bat Flock Bead Ice Break Bead Swordsman's Wrath
Strong Belief Bead Solid Protection Bead Deathfire Orb Death Ice Ball
Small Healing Potion Healing Potion Small Mana Potion Mana Potion
Antidote Small Complex Potion Town Portal Scroll
Double Axe Tomahawk Elven Axe Small Axe
Morning Star Flail Elemental Rune Mace Bow
Golden Crossbow Elven Bow Arquebus Battle Bow
Rapier Sword of Assassin Katana Gladius
Falchion Flat Short Sword Dragon Lance Lapid Lance
Prickle Lance Double Poleaxe Halberd Spear
Angelic Staff Horn Shield Kite Shield Lapid Shield
Skull Shield Large Round Shield Elven Shield Plate Shield
Pad Armor Leather Armor Vine Armor Bronze Armor
Bone Armor Silk Armor Rune Pad Armor Slayer Red Wing Armor
Pad Pants Leather Pants Vine Pants Bronze Pants
Robust Pants Bone Pants Silk Pants Scale Pants
Rune Pad Pants Slayer Red Wing Pants Bronze Helm Robust Helmet
Bone Helm Silk Helm Scale Helm Rune Pad Helm
Slayer Red Wing Helm Bronze Gloves Robust Gloves Bone Gloves
Silk Gloves Scale Gloves Violent Wind Gloves Wind Gloves
Rune Pads Gloves Slayer Red Wing Gloves Bronze Boots Robust Boots
Bone Boots Silk Boots Scale Boots Violent Wind Boots
Rune Pad Boots Slayer Red Wing Boots Pendant of Fire Ring of Poison
Ring of Ice Pendant of Lighting Imp Guardian Angel
Horn of Uniria Scroll of Poison Drain Life Parchment Scroll of Flame
Scroll of Twister Sleep Parchment Scroll of Evil Spirit Chain Lightning Parchment
Scroll of Hellfire Increase Block Parchment Scroll of Aqua Beam Damage Reflection Parchment
Scroll of Soul Barrier Scroll of Cometfall Increase Health Parchment Scroll of Ice
Scroll of Lighting Scroll of Meteorite Scroll of Power Wave Scroll of Fire Ball
Magic Arrow Act Plasma Ball Act Explosion Parchment Requiem Parchment
Perlution Parchment Obsidian Scroll Orb of Impale Scroll of Fire Scream
Wrath Scroll Scroll of Lord Dignity Scroll of Electric Spark Scroll of Summon
Orb of Twisting Slash Orb of Fire Slash Magic Pin Scroll Orb of Greater Damage
Orb of Greater Fortitude Healing Orb Orb of Summoning Sword Inertia Bead
Bat Flock Bead Ice Break Bead Swordsman's Wrath Strong Belief Bead
Solid Protection Bead Deathfire Orb Death Ice Ball Small Healing Potion
Healing Potion Small Mana Potion Mana Potion Antidote
Small Complex Potion Town Portal Scroll
Double Axe Tomahawk Elven Axe Battle Axe
Small Axe Hand Axe Morning Star Flail
Elemental Rune Mace Golden Crossbow Elven Bow Arquebus
Battle Bow Short Bow Crossbow Sword of Assassin
Katana Gladius Falchion Serpent Sword
Rapier Short Sword Flat Short Sword Dragon Lance
Lapid Lance Prickle Lance Double Poleaxe Halberd
Spear Giant Trident Angelic Staff Serpent Staff
Mystery Stick Kite Shield Lapid Shield Skull Shield
Large Round Shield Elven Shield Plate Shield Spiked Shield
Small Shield Bronze Helm Robust Helmet Bone Helm
Silk Helm Scale Helm Violent Wind Helm Wind Helm
Pad Helm Rune Pad Helm Slayer Red Wing Helm Bronze Armor
Robust Armor Bone Armor Silk Armor Scale Armor
Rune Pad Armor Slayer Red Wing Armor Bronze Gloves Bone Gloves
Silk Gloves Scale Gloves Violent Wind Gloves Wind Gloves
Sphinx Gloves Pad Gloves Leather Gloves Vine Gloves
Rune Pads Gloves Slayer Red Wing Gloves Bronze Pants Robust Pants
Bone Pants Silk Pants Scale Pants Violent Wind Pants
Wind Pants Rune Pad Pants Slayer Red Wing Pants Bronze Boots
Robust Boots Bone Boots Silk Boots Scale Boots
Violent Wind Boots Wind Boots Sphinx Boots Pad Boots
Leather Boots Vine Boots Rune Pad Boots Slayer Red Wing Boots
Pendant of Fire Ring of Poison Ring of Ice Pendant of Lighting
Ring of Fire Imp Guardian Angel Horn of Uniria
Scroll of Poison Drain Life Parchment Scroll of Flame Scroll of Twister
Sleep Parchment Scroll of Evil Spirit Chain Lightning Parchment Scroll of Hellfire
Increase Block Parchment Scroll of Aqua Beam Damage Reflection Parchment Scroll of Soul Barrier
Scroll of Cometfall Increase Health Parchment Scroll of Ice Scroll of Lighting
Scroll of Meteorite Scroll of Teleport Magic Arrow Act Plasma Ball Act
Explosion Parchment Requiem Parchment Perlution Parchment Obsidian Scroll
Orb of Impale Scroll of Fire Scream Wrath Scroll Scroll of Lord Dignity
Scroll of Electric Spark Scroll of Summon Orb of Twisting Slash Orb of Fire Slash
Magic Pin Scroll Orb of Greater Damage Orb of Greater Fortitude Healing Orb
Orb of Summoning Sword Inertia Bead Bat Flock Bead Ice Break Bead
Swordsman's Wrath Strong Belief Bead Solid Protection Bead Deathfire Orb
Death Ice Ball Healing Potion Large Healing Potion Mana Potion
Large Mana Potion Small Complex Potion Ale Town Portal Scroll
Elite Yeti
Tomahawk Elven Axe Battle Axe Nikea Axe
Small Axe Hand Axe Flail Mace
Elemental Rune Mace Arquebus Battle Bow Light Crossbow
Short Bow Crossbow Bow Gladius
Falchion Serpent Sword Sword of Salamander Blade
Short Sword Kris Rapier Flat Short Sword
Silver Blade Prickle Lance Halberd Spear
Giant Trident Angelic Staff Serpent Staff Mystery Stick
Skull Staff Basic Magic Book Royal Orb Large Round Shield
Elven Shield Plate Shield Spiked Shield Dragon Slayer Shield
Small Shield Buckler Horn Shield Bronze Armor
Robust Armor Bone Armor Silk Armor Scale Armor
Violent Wind Armor Wind Armor Pad Armor Leather Armor
Vine Armor Rune Pad Armor Slayer Red Wing Armor Glimmer Armor
Mage Sphinx Armor Illusion Knight Scale Armor Robust Helmet Bone Helm
Scale Helm Violent Wind Helm Wind Helm Sphinx Mask
Brass Helm Pad Helm Leather Helm Vine Helm
Rune Pad Helm Slayer Red Wing Helm Glimmer Helmet Mage Sphinx Mask
Illusion Knight Scale Helmet Robust Pants Bone Pants Silk Pants
Scale Pants Violent Wind Pants Wind Pants Sphinx Pants
Brass Pants Pad Pants Leather Pants Vine Pants
Rune Pad Pants Slayer Red Wing Pants Glimmer Pants Mage Sphinx Pants
Illusion Knight Scale Pants Scale Gloves Violent Wind Gloves Wind Gloves
Sphinx Gloves Brass Gloves Pad Gloves Leather Gloves
Vine Gloves Robust Gloves Rune Pads Gloves Slayer Red Wing Gloves
Glimmer Gloves Mage Sphinx Gloves Illusion Knight Scale Gloves Scale Boots
Violent Wind Boots Wind Boots Sphinx Boots Brass Boots
Pad Boots Leather Boots Vine Boots Rune Pad Boots
Slayer Red Wing Boots Glimmer Boots Mage Sphinx Boots Illusion Knight Scale Boots
Ring of Ice Pendant of Lighting Ring of Fire Pendant of Ice
Imp Guardian Angel Horn of Uniria Scroll of Poison
Drain Life Parchment Scroll of Flame Scroll of Twister Sleep Parchment
Scroll of Evil Spirit Chain Lightning Parchment Scroll of Hellfire Increase Block Parchment
Scroll of Aqua Beam Damage Reflection Parchment Scroll of Soul Barrier Scroll of Cometfall
Increase Health Parchment Scroll of Ice Scroll of Meteorite Scroll of Teleport
Magic Arrow Act Plasma Ball Act Explosion Parchment Requiem Parchment
Perlution Parchment Obsidian Scroll Orb of Impale Scroll of Fire Scream
Wrath Scroll Scroll of Lord Dignity Scroll of Electric Spark Scroll of Summon
Orb of Twisting Slash Orb of Fire Slash Magic Pin Scroll Orb of Greater Damage
Sword Inertia Bead Bat Flock Bead Ice Break Bead Swordsman's Wrath
Strong Belief Bead Solid Protection Bead Deathfire Orb Death Ice Ball
Healing Potion Large Healing Potion Mana Potion Large Mana Potion
Small Complex Potion Ale Town Portal Scroll