
List available drops

Swamp Ent Wooden Beast Swamp Wizard Mutantile
Bahamut of Abyss Vepar of Abyss
Medium Bahamut of Abyss Silver Valkyrie of Abyss
Great Bahamut of Abyss Lizard King of Abyss (Elite) Great Bahamut of Abyss (Elite) Lizard King of Abyss
Scorched Warrior Scorched Assasin Scorched Wizard (Elite) Scorched Warrior
(Elite) Scorched Assassins (Elite) Scorched Wizard
(Elite) Great Drakan (Elite) Phoenix of Darkness
(Elite) Temple Ogre (Elite) Temple Gremlin (Elite) Temple Gargoyle
(Elite) Ashy Golem (Elite) Ashy Bloody Witch Queen
(Elite) Crimson Lycan (Elite) Crimson Minos (Elite) Crimson Harpy
(Elite) Underground Persona (Elite) Underground Twin Tale (Elite) Underground Dreadfear
(Elite) Magma Gladiator (Elite) Magma Hook (Elite) Magma Shaman
(Elite) Bloody Wolf of Fresh Blood (Elite) Bloody Beam Knight (Elite) Bloody Tantalus